European curriculum for family and community nurse

EU population ageing is a long-term trend, which began several decades ago, placing many challenges at EU and national level.

EU recommendations point out the importance of family and community in the ageing process, emphasizing Primary Health Care (PHC), frailty prevention, early detection and diagnosis. Many World Health Organization (WHO) reports identify the Family and Community Nurse (FCN) as a key-actor in the new PHC model. Currently, no standardized Professional Profile (PP) for FCN has been defined at EU level considering WHO and EU recommendations. Starting from existing research evidence and results of ongoing EU Projects, a PP for FCN will be defined as the EU benchmark.

The competence-based PP will be the baseline for the definition of a European, innovative, learning outcome-oriented modular VET Curriculum for FCN. It will target both formal and non-formal and informal learning. Thanks to its flexibility and modularity, the general EU Curriculum will be instantiated into national Curricula, considering local and contextual constraints; specific Guidelines will support this process.
